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Course Breakdown


Test: 20%
Laboratory Component: 30%
Exam: 50%

Laboratory Component

5 Experiments
3 Lab Reports – similar style to chem 110

Laboratory Component

Overall all labs are straight forward as we have done them before. Similar to most other chemistry courses, there is a significant amount of waiting involved so it is possible to get some of your lab reports done while you wait. It will be quite repetitive as you do very similar experiments; although some parts do relate to the theory taught in lectures, very little was actually gained in carrying out the practice due to the repetitiveness. The marking of lab reports are based on an alphabetical grading system, however, there was no explanation to how much that translates to in percentage and the coordinator was not willing to give out that information either. So the general consensus was that the graded marks were highly inconsistent and seemed like random numbers were put into CECIL.

Lecture Content

Cellular targets for drug action 

This section was taught by Viji Sarojini. It will be the first block of lectures you will have and the block consists of the different types of targets drugs have in the molecular level. The lectures itself were very dense and not taught at a high standard. You will find it easier if you have done stage 2 pharmacology papers as concepts and ideas would have been pre-exposed to you. 


Drug discovery and development 

Drug discovery and development taught by David Barker and is one of the best blocks in this paper. The content was delivered in an exciting manner and with a good amount of student interaction. The topic is very interesting as it takes you through different routes of drug discovery and techniques used in an industrial context. David also discusses how this would be relevant in different academic contexts which may help if you are thinking of a future in drug development.


Structure-Activity Relationships

​Ivanho Leung taught the block Structure-activity relationships and computer-aided methods, Stereochemistry/chirality and drug action, and prodrugs. This section related to how drugs are developed using different methods and how drugs can/are improved. It also gives good insight into current methods used in industry and in an academic environment. This section is quite difficult due to the variety of content within the block, however, Ivan makes great summary slides which will help guide you into the right direction. He was a new lecturer to the University so 2016 should be a better year in terms of lecture quality. 


Drug Absorption, Metabolism, Interaction and Drug Resistance

Brent Coop takes you through how Drug absorption and metabolism interaction and the current problems with Drug resistance. This is also one of the most interesting blocks as it takes you through the current problems in society; the reason behind drug resistance and how we are dealing with it. The content is very straight forward and many ideas would have been touched upon in your second year. This takes you more in-depth to think about the society driven impact of drug development. 

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